About Lightning
Lightning is a WordPress theme designed to facilitate the creation of a website without specialized knowledge of web production.
By using the multi-function plug-in "VK All in One Expansion Unit (free)", you can use the various useful functions and rich widgets.
VK Blocks
Plugin VK Blocks is a block library that adds various blocks and styles and functions that are useful for building your business websites.
VK Filter Search
Plugin VK Filter Search (free) can create the Filter Serach Block on your edit screen. It enable to filter search on post type and terms.
Layout Control
Lightning has column control function that you can specific column number from "Appearance > Customize > Lightning Layout Setting" and specific post edit screen.
News & Information
- Off-Grid Hybrid solar power systems01 What is off-grid solar power system & its advantages An off-grid solar system provides electricity at all times. To ensure this, an off-grid solar system requires battery storage and an inverter. The addition of an inverter allows the system to convert DC (Direct Current) coming from the batteries into AC (Alternating Current). At present, there …
- Important of solar power systemsNo greenhouse gas emissions are released into the atmosphere when you use solar panels to create electricity. And because the sun provides more energy than we’ll ever need, electricity from solar power is a very important energy source in the move to clean energy production.